CO2-neutrale Kraftwerke


e-Antriebe und Katalysatoren Systeme für schiffe

Environmental sustainability and economic growth are connected

Our vision is to offer services that can stimulate those processes and create a mind setup that see healt preservation, urbanization and green economy with innovation.

We are providing knowledges for a bright future

Development of new and Eco-Friendly technologies will grant all investors economic profits and solid grow-up.

A Look Inside the world

The Challenge: maintain a healthy, sustainable standard of living in our cities in the near future

The macro trend is that the urban population is booming. Forecasts predict an urbanisation in which 90% of humanity resides, works and lives in and on merely 1,5% of the earth’s surface.


Better air-quality for future generations, with innovation

What are you waiting for?

9 + 11 =

CEO: Jochen M. Lippert

Steuernummer: 121/5809/5134

Wendelsweg 64 – 60599 Frankfurt am Main (D)

Tel. : +49 (0) 1523 3629613
